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About The Project

Harpzilla is a music/audio/animation project. The central instrument on all Harpzilla tracks is a diatonic harmonica. The harmonica is played through various combinations of effects and loop pedals and is recorded and assembled with various recorded and programmed elements. Several of the tracks use dialogue from public domain Science-Fiction and Horror films.
The project so far consists of one short animated film, two LPS, one EP and an array of short animated content.
Harpzilla Sleep

About The Slug

I am a mutant, alien-hybrid slug. When I was simply a slug, I was travelling through a toxic waste dump, adjacent to a nuclear power plant. The plant was hit by a meteor shower that contained alien organisms. I was lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time, and was showered in a mixture of irradiated toxic waste and alien DNA. Since then, I have
learned to play the harmonica.